Not my boots.

I can't find any good boots to buy. I think I want them knee-high, brown and flat. Maybe riding boot style? But I'd settle for scrunchy-down ones if they looked good. But none of them do look good. Because I am trying to not buy leather. I dunno, I just feel like leather is the wrong thing to do these days. I'm not eating meat. I'm not wearing leather. And there is NOTHING out there in not-leather that doesn't look like awful, cheap, plastic crap. I think people who make non-leather boots assume that one doesn't buy leather becuase one can't afford leather. So the shoes are poorly constructed and thin and designed for 12 year olds who've saved up their pocket money to splurge $50 at Aldo. FUG FUG FUG FUG FUG.
I have bought and returned EIGHT PAIRS OF BOOTS online in the last few days. I have had my heart broken over and over again. Especially when I learnt that the "vegetable leather" invovled in these boots doesn't mean "leather made from vegetables", it means "leather dyed with vegetable-dye". Fuck this shit.
What I'm making do with (oh, poor suffering me) is a pair of vintage cowboy boots from an op-shop in Old Town and a pair of three-year old quilted faux-fleece lined cheap, leaky, snowboots from Target. The cowboy boots are leather, but it doesn't count because they are 30 years old. So I'm not killing any new cows to get them.
Tell me, where are my boots? I HAVE MONEY LET ME SPEND IT.
You're vegetarian again? Yawn.
ReplyDeleteHow did you find all that faux poultry for your turducken, or are concessions being made for Thanksgiving as well as for vintage?
At the risk of sounding snide and unforgiving, just like Turducken's are made from meat, shoes are made from leather. People eat meat and people wear leather, in this day and age and in day and ages past and future. If you don't want to eat meat or wear leather... fine, but why would you want to wear something that looks like leather? Surely someone somewhere is making boots out of hemp... and you'll get used to that aesthetic if that's what floats your boat.
This would be a fiery conversation in person, but in lieu of that... I am sorry for being so rude via your comment box.
An these are the boots I would want: http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/2866938?cm_cat=datafeed&cm_pla=shoes:women:boots&cm_ite=camper_'45642'_boot:158804&cm_ven=Froogle&mr:trackingCode=FBDDCFFD-D981-DE11-B712-001422107090&mr:referralID=NA