99% of the time you shouldn't be asking anyone that question; because the answer is "no" but they have to say "yes". Here, I decide what happens. That is the 1%.
Little Squirmy is at a particularly adorable age where she makes up little stories for herself and acts them out with whatever she has at hand. I think I'm supposed to discourage playing with food, but when she's picking up two bits of her dinner and making them say to each other "Hello Mr Capsicum, how are you?" "I am fine" and then narrating a story about how they went on a picnic and then fell asleep, who's going to stop her? She makes pieces of sliced apple kiss and fallen leaves clap hands with each other. If she drops her dolly on the ground she'll pick it up and say "Oh, Dolly, are you ok"? And then describe to herself, "Dolly had a tumble. Dolly's going to sleep now" and then she'll make the snoring noises. Toys and bits of whatever that aren't having conversations, falling down or going to sleep are turned into telephones or violins. It's fun. She just tells stories out lound to herself every minute of the day.
I wonder what at what age our monologue turns internal? I have such a racing, chatty inner mind, I can't imagine what it would be like to narrate out loud my every thought. I think Squirmy almost does exactly that.
this is the best blog post ever, but then again, even the title had me saying 'yes, yes, yes'.