Is it embarrassing to admit to being an unironic fan of Facebook? I have some concerns about the amount of screen time I log each day (maybe 4-5 hours each day- but no TV!), but none of that concern is related to the 'book. Since I live on the oooooooother side of of the world from my family and most of my friends, FB really does help me feel caught up with them. In the pre-2007ish world, before everyone hopped aboard the bandwagon, it would sometimes be weeks and weeks between phone calls and I would lie in bed every night consumed with guilt and sadness about being a bad daughter/sister/granddaughter/friend and not communicating more. Although I still feel like I should call home more often, and it saddens me, on the other hand, that having the easy access of FB has cheapened some of the contacts I have with friends (is a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! post on your wall worth anything if you would post the same message to a friend from two jobs ago? I loathe the happy birthday wall post *removes secret curmudgeon hat*).
So I am in the middle of thinking seriously about where I should live and why, and it's a little weird to think that if, in the end, I stay away for more time that I had ever intended, it will be partially due to Facebook. It might be the truth, though.
Through this blog I want to explore some of the reasons why I will or won't move back to Australia, and when, and what it will be like when I get there, so more on life far away to come.
We have matching hats! All the way over here on the other side of the world, I hate bland wall happy birthdays for good friends.