Went to see Julie & Julia tonight at the movies. A movie about a lady blogging! And now a lady's blogging about it!
I was totally jealous of her apartment. It's what I imagine my dream home to look like (world, I dream small). The apartment set design was my favourite mix of clutter; witty French prints on the wall, interesting ceramic jugs with flowers in them, exposed brick walls, cozy, patterned rugs on the floor, a comfy fabric couch with colorful pillows and a big(ish) heavy wood dining table. Of course, I can't cook worth a damn, so perhaps all that domestic friendliness would be wasted on me. My intimate gatherings of like-minded souls would have to be catered. You know, that home sounds a lot like the one of a certain friend I am missing right now. Who could that be?...
The photo I really should attach to this post is not the dark, bad angle of Julie's apartment, but the one I had to take of the GIANT bucket of popcorn and ENORMOUS sodas we bought as we went into the film. I'm going to say, picture your average waste-paper basket filled with popcorn and I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING ABOUT THIS 1.5 LITRES OF COKE. No exaggeration whatsoever. Seriously, I've lived in the US for nearly six years now, and this was the first time that a foodstuff has forced me to record its image based on sheer size alone. Photographic evidence forthcoming.
I should clarify, this doesn't mean I wish I lived in a studio apartment above a pizzeria in Queens, just that I like the aesthetic. I'd like to take all that charming clutter and spread it over, say, three floors in a 1910 stone and weatherboard family home in (Cambridge/Glebe/UWS).