I've been feeling kind of gross lately. Just grumpy and gluggy in my own body. I think having shit-tons of work to do and endless houseguests (we had more this past weekend) and a wee one running around has just made me eat heavily and exercise very little. Some of the eating was good, restaurant-with-friends type big meals. But a lot of it was just eating an enormous bowl of pasta at 10pm after being too busy to get anything else. Oddly, although all of that sounds very active and busy, I've done a lot of sitting. Sitting frantically writing. Sitting skim reading. Sitting surfing the Internet. I don't feel very good. Last night I had a dear friend over to bake apple pie and watch the season finale of Mad Men (which was sooo fab) and it just hit me, sitting on the couch, how yuck I felt.
So for the next month I'm going to chill a little on the consumption (especially of the pasta and cheese variety), try to up my dosage of fresh air, and think positive thoughts. I'm going to cut out caffeine and alcohol. I'm going to walk around outside when I can. I'm going to turn my computer off more and use it more wisely when it's on.
I'm doing OK so far. No morning coffee, although I haven't been out for a walk. I have actively tried to think happy thoughts, although my mind tends to wander. Sometimes it wanders to Facebook. Oops. Nonetheless, I shall press on.
No regular caffeine... check. No alcohol... check. Still feel gluggy and gross... check. I can even throw almost daily walks into the equation. But you make sure you let me know how this all goes, because peculiarly, I was up vomiting at 4am, probably from pill toxins, and I could use a little bit of feeling like Oprah after a colonic.