Pic of Halloween in our street
Squirmy didn't get that nick name by being still.
Remember how I so briefly mentioned on Monday that Squirmy likes to pretend things are violins? Somehow, she became a little obsessed with violins a couple of months ago. It may have been buskers at the farmers market, or a segment on Sesame Street, but what ever it was she really began to dig them. This became especially awesome when I discovered I could play NPR Classical Radio in the car instead of bloody Play School or the Beatles. Squirmy's love for John, Paul, George, and Ringo was cute for about a year, but a 12 month audio diet of Revolution gets a little old.
ANYWAY, the violin obsession, plus her sheer terror at the idea of wearing an Elmo suit informed her Halloween costume last month. She went as the violin player in an orchestra. Specifically, Isabelle Ballot Cailliere the First Violin of the Vienna Philharmonic and one of only five women since 1842 to have played as full members of the orchestra. Rock out, right?
Squrims wore black leggings, a black turtleneck, black socks and black patent-leather shoes. Totally cute, warm, comfy, not hazardous, and unlikely to reinforce worrisome gender stereotypes (odd sexualization of small children a whole 'nother post in itself).
Except we couldn't find a violin so she had to carry a recorder. And she didn't really get trick-or-treating. But she did get eating Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for dinner and dancing to the Monster Mash.
I wonder if they have violins on amazon? I might have a look, because I dreamt all about that chatty little lady last night and really feel like i've just spent a day with you all.