For a variety of reasons, tomorrow is going to be the last day that Squirms and I spend at home together in uninterrupted stay-at-home parent and child situation.
I never, ever thought I would be a not-working-outside-the-home parent. But it's really been the most enjoyable two and half years. Yes, there were times when I thought my face would melt off from playground induced boredom. Yes, I've despaired at what has become of my education and aspirations. But I've been lucky to always live in an urban, intellectual, walkable, wealthy area and we always made the most of it. I loved cuddling with her late in the mornings, and eating breakfast in my pjs, and going to library and having lunch with friends whenever we wanted to. I loved reading to her, and steering her clear of crappy toys and books and tv shows, I loved that we had time to hang out and not be rushed when we saw each other. Obviously, this isn't the right thing for everyone, but it was for us. I think Squirms eats better, sleeps better, is more literate and numerate, watches less tv, is more independent, and more affectionate because she's been home with me. I think I've learnt to be more respectful of other parents in the world (who the fuck knows who has a secret law degree!) and generally patient with life. I swear less (a bit less!). I don't buy tabloid magazines anymore.
We've had a good run.
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