Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Some random thoughts

Blueberry frozen yogurt. Mmmm.. yum.
  • The Jay Leno Show is the biggest waste of television time and money in the history of television.
  • So I switched over to Home Alone. What I like best about that movie is the family home. See also: The Family Stone, Father of the Bride.
  • While I watched I was eating this delicious bowl of frozen yogurt and frozen blueberries.
  • Which made me think of this post from Shapely Prose about various favourite foods that have appropriated as diet foods. I often choose fro-yo or sorbet over ice cream (because icecream can be really gluggy) and I do sometimes get a pang of DIET FOOD! gross! this is all you'll eat forever! when I do. Fuck you, diet industry.
  • The number one food ruined for me by dieting is ricotta cheese. Doesn't that suck tons? On the South Beach diet you eat ricotta sprinkled with Splenda, like, twice a day. Foulness.
  • Which leads me so nicely back to the show I was watching before Jay Leno and his giant stupid chin got all up in my TV face: The Biggest Loser.
  • I am so conflicted about that show. It's clearly just fat porn. Aren't I watching because omg all those people are fatter than me I'm so good? Shouldn't I just switch off?
Thanks for letting me empty my brain all over here.

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