Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I know what you're thinking!

I do! I do!

You're thinking, hoooo, boy, is this blog about to become que ironico, as Jane Lane would say.

Well, it's not. I do have things to share. I just also am taking three classes in my graduate school program and I have a toddler who doesn't go to day care or have babysitters and my mum is visiting from Australia for a month and I am sooooo fucking drowning in busyness.

You know what I'd like to point you to in the meantime, gentle reader (singular)? Go poke around Shapely Prose for a bit. The writers of that site have opened my eyes this year like nothing I've ever read before. Obvi, I don't agree with everything they say, but I do have damn close to a 100% head-nod rate. Kate Harding alone is just about the best writer haunting the interwebs these days.

PS- You know who's fucking busy? I just heard on the radio that Renee Montagne gets to work at 12AM (she's GETTING UP then, not staying up). She and Steve Inskeep are at least 50% of the reason I get up in the morning. The other 50% is croissants from Bonaparte Breads.

1 comment:

  1. You did! You did know what I was thinking, and you can't just shake me off onto Shapely Prose all casual like that.

    I can wait for your mum to leave and for your time to be more available to casual ramblings, but don't think you can distract me from my daily check in...
