Friday, October 23, 2015

Ducks on the Pond by Anne Summers

Last week I read 'Ducks on the Pond' by Anne Summers. I really admire radicals. I am way too repressed to just let everything go, but I love the idea of potentially doing that. Imagine the freedom to stop caring, just let your hair grow and wear no makeup and walk out on your marriage and advocate for things you think are righteous. Amazing. But I am too afraid of disappointing my parents, so no, I won't. But good for Anne Summers for doing just that. I also loved how Anne and her circle of radicals are just outside my own. Anne herself is good friends with my boss. Two of her co-conspirators, Gail Hambly and Daniela Torsh, are mothers of friends of mine. Another, Ann Curthoys, taught me history at uni. I suppose I should go back and read 'Dammed Whores and God's Police' now. Imagine how radical those thoughts were at the time! Thank you, second wave feminists.

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