Monday, October 26, 2015

The Anti-Cool Girl by Rosie Waterland

When my mum said she was going to read this I teased her because the breathless back cover endorsement was "by the author of The Bachelor recaps on Mamamia". High praise indeed. Ew, I said. Mum reads Mamamia. I wasn't wrong but I wasn't exactly right, either. She did have a much tougher childhood that I could ever have imagined. Alcoholic and drug-using parents, no stability, then shipped off to boarding school paid for by distant rich relatives who loved her only enough to pay for her schooling, but not enough to let her live with them when she finished year 12. Ouch to it all. I am glad that she found the loving embrace of blogging to be helpful to her. I also fully support her title, because clearly, the fictional construct of the "cool girl" is one of the most loathsome beasts to have ever sprung from a male imagination. Like Dracula or Slender Man, it will feed on your soul until your dead. I'm happy for Rosie Waterland that she's not dead.

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